A fight broke out between doctors and lawyers in PIC (Punjab Institute of Cardiology) a few days ago. A video went viral where doctors were allegedly manhandling and trying to beat lawyers including advocate Rana Intezar. Both lawyers and doctors are now protesting. An FIR was registered in which 5 doctors were named. The point of view of the doctors is that they were not involved in any kind of fight and they claim to be innocent in the whole matter. Rana Intezar has now pressed heavy charges against those doctors. He stated that doctors of PIC are government employees who receive salaries from tax money; their job is to serve the public, not to intimidate them. Rana Intezar stated that lawyers will fight a legal battle against the doctors. Watch the video to find out the stance of both parties in this complicated matter.
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#DoctorsOfPICInvolvedInFight #DoctorAndLawyersFightAtPIC #PICFight #PICFightBetweenDoctorsAndLawyers #PunjabInstituteOfCardiology #BlackCoatVsWhiteCoat #FIRAgainstDoctorsOfPIC #AdvocateRanaIntezar